
After a successful year, the MAT.TRAFFIC team was expecting a packed program of sports, excitement and socializing in the Carpathians. The challenging four-day tour took them through the southern Carpathians, up to an altitude of 2,500 meters. The fact that thousands of brown bears live in the region, some of them very large, provided a sense of excitement. In the evenings, in the simple mountain huts, the cozy part began with rustic food. It was a great experience for everyone. A new destination is being sought for 2025.

The Western Harbour Tunnel is a 6.5 km long tunnel under Sydney Harbour. MAT.TRAFFIC (together with Eastgate Software) is involved in a major mobility project for the operational management in Sydney as an external development service provider. The main tasks include: UI/UX design, DevOps, interface implementations and software architecture. The work will take several years to complete.

The new mFUND research project BUS2DATA will start in January 2024. The project partners are Aachener Straßenbahn und Energieversorgungs-AG (ASEAG) and the City of Aachen – Urban Development, Planning and Mobility Infrastructure.
The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency and attractiveness of public transport in Aachen through efficient and flexible public transport pre-emption based on bidirectional, standardized WLAN communication. This includes the provision of traffic light switching times and speed profiles for bus drivers. In addition, WLAN communication leads to an expansion of the operating database, which is used for quality analyses and made accessible via a public data platform.

The new address is: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Platz 9-10.
Telephone numbers have not changed.


Cloud-based Data-warehouse in the US
MAT.TRAFFIC – together with its partner company Eastgate Software – takes over the software extension and maintenance of a distributed, cloud-based data warehouse of a major customer in the USA. The platform realizes as a data hub via open application programming interfaces (APIs) the distribution of mobility data between US-American cities, data providers, the scientific community and other existing systems.

M60 controller from the US with virtual twin
MAT.TRAFFIC, in cooperation with its “extended workbench” Eastgate Software, has realized a virtual version of the traffic light control unit M60 for test and simulation purposes. This means that it is now also possible in the USA to test the SEPAC control procedures on a PC and simulate them with AIMSUN Next. The virtual version runs up to twenty times faster than real time.

Supply data server for traffic signals according to OCIT standard
On behalf of a well-known German signal builder, MAT.TRAFFIC is designing and developing an OCIT-based Self-Contained System (SCS) in 2022 to manage control parameters for traffic light controllers and transfer them from central systems to the intersections. The SCS runs in a K8S cluster, and includes a web-based user interface that provides the user with extensive management of data versions and supply status.

Signal Performance Measures for major cities in the USA
After a year of conceptualisation and development, MAT.TRAFFIC, together with its partner Eastgate Software, has completed the “Yutraffic Insights” service. The service is a cloud-based platform that enables traffic authorities and industry professionals to effortlessly manage and improve the efficiency of their signalised intersections. The tool offers advanced analytics, customisation and management of alerts, and automatic data transfer from traffic control centres so traffic professionals can easily optimise their intersections.

Quality study of the public transport priority in Aachen
MAT.TRAFFIC was commissioned by the city of Aachen to perform an analysis of the public transport priority at more than 50 intersections in the city area in cooperation with the local transport company ASEAG.
For this purpose, a system was developed that reads the operational data recorded in the city’s traffic computer together with some planning parameters and performs an analysis based on this data.
For the analysis, a reconstruction of driving lines is performed, with the help of which extensive traffic engineering evaluations are carried out.
The result of the evaluation is an automatically generated PDF document for each traffic node as well as a web page that makes the documents available.

APEROL AMoD tests in the city centre of Aachen
As part of the German research project APEROL (Autonomous Personal Organization of Road Traffic and Digital Logistics), OnDemand Routing was demonstrated and evaluated in an inner-city test area in Aachen, taking into account real-time traffic detection and traffic routing technologies (flexible routing). MAT.TRAFFIC implemented the interfaces to the existing infrastructure, fused data and calculated a dynamic traffic situation for the test area.

SCATS and SPaT in a test field in the USA
A test field will be set up near Detroit in 2021 in which the Australian traffic control system SCATS will run on North American traffic light controllers. The SCATS system will be extended by subsystems that enable data exchange of passing vehicles with the roadside infrastructure (SPaT protocol). MAT.TRAFFIC will perform the necessary implementations and integration work.

German research project APEROL
As part of the APEROL project, MAT.TRAFFIC is conducting comprehensive and large-scale traffic simulations using the open-source simulation tool ‘MATSim’ (ETH Zurich). The approach is to realistically model the entire individual and public transport of a medium-sized German city (Aachen) in its current form using an extended MATSim system, and then to investigate several possible future scenarios that rely to a greater or lesser extent on AMoD mobility services. The results will be available by the end of 2020 and will be partially published in book form.

Eastgate Software Hanoi
The business of the MAT.TRAFFIC subsidiary “Eastgate Software” in Hanoi continues to develop very positively despite Corona. The meanwhile 70 employees realize outsourcing projects for strategic customers from Vietnam, USA, Europe, Japan and Australia. Growth of at least 50% is targeted for 2021.
The outsourcing business in Germany is also very successful and growing strongly. MAT.TRAFFIC serves here as a frontend for the German customers (IT Consulting, system analysis and outsourcing of development in Hanoi): It’s like “farshore outsourcing with a nearshore feel”, as one of our customers aptly put it.

All MAT.TRAFFIC employees will initially work in their home offices until Easter. Everyone can be reached via the usual means of communication. The business continues unrestricted.

MAT.TRAFFIC develops cloud service for North America
MAT.TRAFFIC is currently implementing a complex system consisting of microservices running in the AWS Cloud within Docker containers. The goal is to achieve the status of an AWS partner in the near future.

First steps with Microsoft Blazor
MAT.TRAFFIC uses new technology from Microsoft in a first project. As part of a feasibility study for a German industrial customer, a complex prototype was implemented using Blazor WebAssembly. The results are convincing.

New website for MAT.TRAFFIC
MAT.TRAFFIC has received a completely new internet presence. With the completely redesigned website, we offer our customers a comprehensively revised presentation of the company, its products and services. Intuitive user guidance allows users to easily navigate through the pages with the aim of quickly retrieving the desired information.

APEROL research project
MAT.TRAFFIC is a partner in the research project APEROL (Autonomous, Personal Organization of Road Traffic and Digital Logistics), which was launched at the beginning of October 2018 and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). The main subject of the research is intra-urban mobility concepts, which include in particular the organization of autonomous vehicle fleets. The developed mobility solutions are integrated in real test fields in Aachen on a rudimentary basis and optimized in iterative loops. The contributions of MAT.TRAFFIC concern optimization of the management of autonomous fleets and system integration in the test field.
The project is funded within the funding guideline “Automated and Connected Driving” by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure with a total amount of €4,691,277.00.”

Final event of the German research project I2EASE
The final event of the German research project I2EASE will take place on 01.10.2018 at the Aldenhoven Testing Center. MAT.TRAFFIC will present and demonstrate there research results concerning innovative traffic control concepts.

The sole proprietorship MAT.TRAFFIC was transformed into a limited liability company (as of 01.09.2017).

MAT.TRAFFIC moves into new offices in Aachen
The new address is: Heinrichsallee 40, 52062 Aachen. The telephone numbers have not changed.

MAT.TRAFFIC launches marketing of intersection assistance for cooperative intersections with first license sales
A special procedure for intersection assistance receives prioritized requests from individual vehicles via short-range radio (802.11p), negotiates their implementation with the connected traffic light control unit, and informs road users about remaining times of signaling states. The procedure can be run either directly in the control unit or in a connected RSU.

A new version 1.0.5919 of MAT.CrossCheck is now available
The new MAT.CrossCheck version now also works with VISSIM versions 6, 7 and 8 (32bit/64bit). All tests can be run without any restrictions. If your PC is connected to the Internet, you will be automatically notified of the update the next time you start the MAT.CrossCheck program. The direct download link is: https://www.mat-traffic.de/crosscheck_download_counter_d.php

MAT.TRAFFIC is a partner in the German research project “I2EASE – Intelligence for Efficient Electrified & Automated Driving through Sensor Networking (BMBF)”, which starts on 01.01.2016 and runs for three years.
In order to move a fully automated vehicle safely and energy-efficiently in urban traffic even under difficult environmental conditions, automated driving functions for e-vehicles are being prototypically developed and tested in a test field. Online fusion of detector data from different sources and specially adapted traffic light controls play a prominent role. MAT.TRAFFIC will develop, among other things, special traffic light controls that interact optimally with automated driving functions.

MAT.TRAFFIC supports software developments at Siemens Mobility in the context of larger projects
Two product divisions of Siemens Mobility commission MAT.TRAFFIC with specifications and implementation of specific software solutions.
The cooperation, which is planned for a longer period of time, includes online controls and their interfaces (JAVA) as well as user interfaces (.NET, WPF).

MAT.TRAFFIC takes over IT Consultant Services in Europe for Eastgate Software (Hanoi).
MAT.TRAFFIC enters a permanent and close cooperation with the Vietnamese IT service provider Eastgate Software, and will offer IT consulting and support for the European customers of the outsourcing company.
Eastgate Software is a rapidly growing software service provider offering development services for embedded software, web & mobile applications, cloud-based software, and project-specific developments with focus on technologies such as .NET, JAVA, PHP, IOS, Android, and others.

COMPASS4D project: Cooperative test field in Newcastle with 20 equipped LSAs goes into trial operation
The test field is realized by the project partners Siemens UK, the city of Newcastle and MAT.TRAFFIC. MAT.TRAFFIC developed the “EEIS” (Energy Efficient Intersection Service) service for this purpose, which was installed in all intersections.
In Newcastle, the cooperative technologies will be operated and observed for months. In particular, the effect of the new systems on traffic and its greenhouse gas emissions will be backed up with reliable statistics.

Test field for cooperative transport systems in Aachen.
MAT.TRAFFIC is setting up a test field for cooperative traffic systems on ring roads in Aachen with cooperation partners and the kind support of the city of Aachen.
The participating partner companies are Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH, Institute for Motor Vehicles – RWTH Aachen and Imtech Traffic & Infra (NL).
The test track includes four signalized intersections that transmit traffic light conditions and their forecasts to equipped vehicles via short-range radio (802.11p). It is planned to use the test track in the context of further research activities.

MAT.TRAFFIC presents research results at eCoMove closing event in Aachen, Germany
eCoMove is a multi-year European research project (7th Framework Program) that develops innovative solutions for more energy-efficient and lower-emission road transport.
As part of the project, MAT.TRAFFIC developed an application ecoNetworkPrediction, which is able to calculate eco-optimal route distributions online for larger road networks. If all vehicles followed these routes, CO2 emissions could be reduced by up to 12%; in the case of extreme traffic obstructions with full road closures (e.g. accidents) even up to 25%.

MAT.SimGen product about to be launched on the market
The fast and easy way to micro traffic simulation of networks or network sections. The new product MAT.SimGen allows the automatic generation of simulation networks directly from NAVTEQ. or OpenStreetMap (OSM) data read from files or downloaded from the Internet.
In addition, existing intersections (with controls) can be easily inserted into the generated simulation networks at the push of a button, resulting in a runnable complex simulation within a short time with little effort.
The product will be available in the 3rd quarter of the coming year 2014.

Quotation and project planning software for an industrial customer
For a well-known industrial customer, MAT.TRAFFIC is developing an intranet-based software solution for the optimal technical design of products. In phase 2, which has now been implemented, the program also determines the project costs and includes the current cost structure of production and the applicable material prices for this purpose. As a result, the sales employee receives a complete Word document including all customer data, which is suitable both for direct dispatch and for further individual adaptation via predefined text modules or individual additions.
Phase 3, which is currently underway, involves linking the project planning directly to the customer’s 3D modeling software so that detailed technical drawings are automatically generated as early as the quotation phase. In a reduced form, this sketch will also be attached to the customer’s quotation. In addition, the software will be adapted to the conditions of the customer’s US and Chinese production sites and thus be used worldwide.

Cooperative Systems in Newcastle (UK)
As part of the COMPASS4D project, MAT.TRAFFIC is working with Siemens plc (Traffic Solutions) in Newcastle upon Tyne (England) to implement 20 cooperative intersection devices that exchange data with passing vehicles. New HW components for short-range communication (WLAN, 802.11p) will be added to the intersection devices for this purpose. New middleware components for data fusion and procedures will be installed to deploy the following cooperative applications: Intersection Energy Efficient Traffic Flow, Imminent Rear-End Collision Warning, and Red Light Violation Warning. The new cooperative functions will be evaluated in a one-year test phase in 2014.

Verkehrs Systeme Plus GmbH
The newly founded GmbH Verkehrs Systeme Plus is a subsidiary of the Swiss Verkehrs Systeme Plus AG. The managing director is Paul Mathias. Verkehrs Systeme Plus GmbH and MAT.TRAFFIC share office space in Buchkremerstrasse.
Contact details:
T: +49 (241) 538 089 40
F: +49 (241) 538 089 49
E: info@vs-plus.de
W: www.vs-plus.de

MAT.TRAFFIC moves into new offices
We would like to inform you that MAT.TRAFFIC has moved to new offices.
The new address from 02.01.2012 is:
Buchkremerstr. 4
52062 Aachen
The telephone number will also change
T: +49 (241) 565 29576
F: +49 (241) 565 29578

eCoMove project
MAT.TRAFFIC will implement its dynamic network model MAT.NetState in test sites in Munich (Germany) and Helmond (Netherlands) as part of the European research project eCoMove. In addition to calculating the current and future traffic state, the network model will in particular calculate route distributions for road networks that correspond to the minimum CO2 emission of all vehicles in the network.

Sales launch ‘MAT.CrossCheck’
The product MAT.CrossCheck, which was already available as a trial version for several months, can now be purchased as a full version. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Paul Mathias (T: 0241 963 1715, E: paul.mathias@mat-traffic.de).

MAT.TRAFFIC presented itself.
MAT.TRAFFIC presented itself, its solutions and its new product MAT.CrossCheck at the HEUREKA 2011 (16.-17.03.2011) in Stuttgart at its own booth. Many interested people visited the booth and informed themselves about the topic “Simulation-based quality analysis for LSA controls”.

The MAT.TRAFFIC product called MAT.CrossCheck is now available as a first version.
The product of MAT.TRAFFIC called MAT.CrossCheck has been completed in a first version. “MAT.CrossCheck” is a test tool for the comprehensive quality analysis of LSA controls already in the planning phase as an add-on to PTV AG’s microsimulation VISSIM. The tool generates systematic VISSIM tests for traffic-dependent LSA controls, executes them with VISSIM, analyzes the results and summarizes the results in the form of reports. “MAT.CrossCheck” with its automated tests thus helps to make quality assurance more systematic and significantly more efficient. The increase in efficiency is expressed primarily in significant time savings.
From March 2011, “MAT.CrossCheck” will be available as a trial version, so that anyone interested can test the tool with its full range of functions in their working environment.

As part of the European eCoMove research project, MAT.TRAFFIC will lead the design of the system architecture for the infrastructure-side subsystem. The work is scheduled to be completed by February 2011.

As a subcontractor, MAT.TRAFFIC will create a geodatabase for the German research project simTD (Safe Intelligent Mobility – Test Field Germany), which will serve as the basis for the comprehensive evaluations in the test field Hesse. The simTD research project is dedicated to researching and testing car-to-x communication and its applications for the safe and intelligent mobility of tomorrow. The GeoDB is developed as Gis-DB. In addition to the actual DB, MAT.TRAFFIC will also implement various import and export functions.

Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010
Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010: smart vehicles on intelligent roads. The showcase of innovative v2v and v2i technologies took place in and around Amsterdam RAI from 23 to 26 March 2010. The results of the three major European research projects COOPERS, CVIS and SAFESPOT (European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme for Research) were presented.
MAT.TRAFFIC was involved with several basic technologies and applications: IRIS=Safe Intersection (SAFESPOT), Radarview in Vehicle (CVIS), LTSM=Local Traffic State on Motorways (CVIS) and 3G Communication Vehicle Infrastructure (CVIS).

At the Dortmund test site of the European SAFESPOT research project, safety applications (“Safe Intersection”) based on communication between vehicles and infrastructure were presented to journalists and experts in the form of lectures and live demonstrations. Several television teams (WDR, ZDF, N24 and Sat1) were on site and subsequently showed reports on their stations.
MAT.TRAFFIC was responsible for the implementation and roadside system integration of the safety applications. Further information about the SAFESPOT demonstration day can be found in the press kit SAFESPOT_Sicherere_Kreuzung_Pressemappe.pdf and the presentations SAFESPOT_Sichere_Kreuzung_Praesentation.pdf.

As part of the European SAFESPOT research project, a test field for cooperative systems was installed in the city of Dortmund. The focus was on the IRIS (Intelligent Cooperative Intersection Safety) application, which increases urban traffic safety by detecting dangerous situations at an early stage and warning the road users involved. IRIS was developed in close cooperation between TU-Munich and MAT.TRAFFIC. The successful evaluation of the system took place in the period from

EcoMove – Cooperative Mobility Systems and Services for Energy Efficiency
MAT.TRAFFIC becomes partner in an “Integrated Project” of the 4th Call (FP7-ICT-2009-4) in the
7th Framework Program of the European Commission. The project, which is currently still in the negotiation phase, is called ecoMove.

Prototype of a microsimulation quality assurance for LSA controllers as an add-on to VISSIM
MAT.TRAFFIC will present the prototype of a microsimulation quality assurance for LSA control systems as an add-on to VISSIM at the 19th PTV Vision user seminar in Karlsruhe (September 29-30, 2009).
The new tool offers a comprehensive and systematic quality analysis of LSA control systems in the planning and design phase (before commissioning) based on automated VISSIM simulations and evaluations.

As part of the CVIS research project, MAT.TRAFFIC will present and evaluate a novel method LTSM for estimating traffic conditions on highways at the CVIS test site Hessen in February 2010.
The method is able to combine roadside detector information with “Floating Car Data” (FCD) in order to calculate more accurate and spatially better resolved traffic condition images for highway sections. The FCD are so-called “beaconing signals”, which are transmitted by passing vehicles at a frequency of 2 Hz using a novel W-LAN technology (802.11p) and are received and forwarded by road-side units (RSU).

NewRoNet – New Routing Optimization Using Neural Network Technologies
MAT.TRAFFIC is preparing a research project proposal (STREP) for the 5th call (FP7-ICT-2009-5) in the
7th Framework Program of the European Commission. The project topic is
NewRoNet deals with a radical new routing approach for data network management. The main point of the concept is the interpretation of communication networks as special recurrent neural networks consisting of sigma-pi neurons, allowing the application of a modified form of the well-known recurrent back-propagation algorithm. The new method enables a particularly powerful dynamic real-time management of large “packet switching networks” with integrated data congestion avoidance. In particular, it can be implemented in a fully distributed manner.
The project proposal is related to Challenge1, Objective ICT-2009.1.1: The Network of the Future, a) Future Internet Architectures and Network Technologies.