Data networks
Computer communication networks have revolutionized our world within two decades. At the beginning of the third century they have such an enormous impact on the way we organize and maintain our economy that it’s unimaginable to picture a life without them now. But also our daily life is pervaded with this technology, which e.g. with the world-wide internet or cellular radios have become indispensable. The (near)infinite access to information by everyone and everything has allowed the emergence of a new global community that knows no national boundaries.
It’s highly probable that we are only at the beginning of the evolution and use of this technology. Nobody now knows for sure what technical systems our offspring is going to see one day and what impact these systems will have on private and social life . New content, services and paradigms already emerge on the horizon. Sensor networks, the internet of things, ubiquitous service networks and interactive multimedia systems are important examples of topics the global research community is working on very intensively. All these innovative approaches and development share a commonality that they still require more speed, memory, bandwidth, flexibility, security, availability, scalability, manageability, sustainability, intelligence, powerful hardware, etc., and with this become even more complex. This is the technical challenge to overcome.
As data traffic and diversity of services grow it has recently become more and more apparent to experts that there are several conceptual shortcomings with our largest data networks (like the Internet) that are considered to be possible causes for critical symptoms in the near future and should therefore be addressed soon. Many researchers deem it advisable to reconsider the fundamental mechanisms of the network management as they are now, since they have the fear that the old concepts will reach their limit. On the other side there are those that believe in an iterative evolutionary way. The discussion is still ongoing and it remains to be seen whether a clean-slate design will assert itself over a more gradual change.
The goal of MAT.TRAFFIC is to contribute with concepts, research, prototypes and eventually marketable solutions to the today’s technical challenges regarding communication networks. Emphasis is put here on the intelligent management of next generation networks like the Future Internet or mobile ad-hoc networks through innovative protocols that might entirely form new approaches or be overlaid to existing ones.
Please inform yourself in the sub-chapter DATA NETWORKS|SERVICES about the service offers of MAT.TRAFFIC for the road transportation sector, and about the possibilities of collaboration. More related information about the expertise of the company can be found in our corporate profile COMPANY.